Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Harvest 2015: Italy 1st wine producer worldwide

Italy 48.9 million hl by Italian Wine & Food in China

source: EU

“Italy is still the home of wine, once again becoming the worldwide leader in the production … In 2014 17% of bottles of wines sold in the world were Italians, 28% of the bottles sold in Europe”, said Mr. Martina, Italian Minister of Agricultural Policies

“But the price positioning gap between France and Italy is still big. The average price of a bottled French wine is $ 5.46 per liter compared to the $ 3.63 of the Italian” states a research of Wine Management Lad of SDA Bocconi

The Italian wine consumption is decreasing every years, more Italian wine is exported than drunk domestically, in 2014 when Italy with 41 million hl was behind France, now with 48.9 million hl will fill countless bottles. The important question is: who will drink it?


source: EU/ISTAT

